


Regardless of whether a fully designed and specified project plan has already been developed; or, a client just needs us to provide Design Assist Value Engineering (VE) input to meet budget; or, perhaps our client is working from a “napkin concept sketch”, whereby we can provide a fully designed, engineered, well documented innovative solution… Smith & Long is the premier design-build electrical and communications contractor.

We also actively provide various iterations of every collaborative design delivery model, all depending on client needs and the stage that they are at regarding project design, budget, procurement, and schedule.

A vital component to this level of design involvement is that “it gets personal”. Personal in the fact that our active knowledgeable participation now adds the significant value added assurance of realistic project “constructability” outcomes. Our reputation is also abnormally at stake during this process, but this, in turn, translates to significantly fewer surprises when it comes to project execution. As a highly-experienced Design-Build Electrical and Communications Contractor, we will intimately know our client’s needs by having upfront, open and collaborative dialogue through which we will know those needs and address them through an all-inclusive and thoughtfully designed long-term quality solution.

Why choose Smith & Long as your Design, Design-Build, Design Assist Contractor?

Because Smith & Long absolutely thrive in the collaborative design-build project delivery model as it plays to our strengths as a team player.

In broad terms, the goal of this procurement method is to provide the end client with the ultimate value proposition from their initial dollar to expedited schedule to finished product standpoint.

Right from the outset of the project team selection, it is imperative to understand that the project’s success is ultimately going to be directly attributed to the degree that all entities within the team have an effective voice. Smith & Long’s experience in this space will be a quality asset to any project team by always keeping an experienced eye on the client’s mandate on their budget, schedule, and final product intent.   With these three key components at the forefront, our Smith & Long Project Design Team will be tasked with the exciting directive to produce an innovative quality design in conjunction with the project team’s engineering firm or through our own in-house engineering group.

The progressive design strategy will not only have addressed all known client requirements and desired outcomes but at the same time leverage the latest in design methodology, optimized product selection, energy efficiency, labour saving products and methods, plus where applicable, the “wow” factor.

In conclusion, you are in excellent company if you depend on Smith & Long to be your prudent choice as your premier design-build electrical and communications partner contractor!