Proactive Maintenance



Likely the most crucial piece of electrical equipment in the majority of standby or emergency generator system infrastructure applications next to the generator itself is the ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch). For it is through a properly maintained and functioning ATS that the generator is able to fulfill its important role.

Unless a temporary generator is brought to a site and hardwired in (generally for an emergency application), or a generator is permanently connected providing off-grid power or perhaps a grid-tied hybrid application, the ATS in a typical generator system is the “conduit” for safe, controlled electrical power flow. In most systems that utilize an ATS, they either provide the flow of utility power to the load or the generator output to the load. That significant role has a substantial amount of technology behind it…technology and associated components that must be regularly serviced, operated and maintained.

By many accounts, the failure of an ATS to switchover is one of the top five reasons for a generator system to fail. Do not let your ATS be on that list. Be sure and make a call to the Smith & Long Proactive Electrical Maintenance Services Team and let us collaboratively review and develop an appropriate inspection, testing and proactive maintenance program with you.

There are many iterations of ATS design schemes, all with their own specific applications. This includes legal requirements as found within CSA 282-15 for life safety based services, dependency for critical data retention, call centre or production support, vital systems, and or as a prudent business case for an entire facility…in virtually any marketplace.

Some of the design types and ancillary features are comprised of:

  • Electromechanical housed within a separate enclosure
  • SSR (Solid State Relay) housed within a separate enclosure
  • Motorized Circuit Breakers housed within a separate or integral to a distribution switchboard
  • Maintenance bypass schemes
  • Full maintenance bypass schemes due to regulatory or versatility preference
  • Remote annunciation, alarms and monitoring capabilities
  • Remote diagnostics features
  • Auto / Off / On bypass control
  • Hitching Post connectivity
  • Load Bank connectivity

The Smith & Long Proactive Electrical Maintenance Services Team can and will support your needs for ATS design schemes, engineering, service, proactive maintenance, equipment enhancements, refurbishments, and replacements.